
Train & Travel is part of no less than 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 11 & 10 & 5: Women Empowerment

Train & Travel beneficiaries :

  • contribute to the design of local experiences
  • increase their buying power
  • raise their voice in their community
  • make travelers aware of environmental problems through their tours.

SDG 11 & 12: Environment

Train & Travel is actively involved in environmental issues in Côte d’Ivoire

At Train & Travel, travelers are informed about our principles of responsible tourism (for example: no more than 15 participants).

At Train & Travel, we inform where the costs of our tours are transferred.

The beneficiaries

I wanted to enhance my knowledge of tourism, but this training also taught me to work in a team, to speak in front of an audience, leadership, and patience. Today, my goal is to invest myself in tourism as a tourist guide to discover the wonders of Côte d’Ivoire because thanks to this experience, I learned that tourism is one of the safe bets to promote our country internationally.


“This experience was very enriching for me because it allowed me to better discover the tourism sector in Côte d’Ivoire, to know its actors and to learn more.”


“Thanks to this training, I really learned about tourism, I really opened up to the people around me and about solidarity and Union.”


“The training was up to my expectations, we were able to really establish the link between SDG and sustainable tourism. I learned a lot about myself and the other girls of the non-profit. The fact that I was able to put into practice altruism and the impact of our projects on our community after the Bootcamp, during the Christmas holidays, I was able to organize a meeting with the children where to talk about chocolate all that based on the concepts acquired in Business canva. Also I am grateful now that I learn to get closer to others people.”


“I THANK the non-profit TRAIN & TRAVEL for this opportunity, allowing us to participate in the DUST training.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you have taught us because now I know how to build a project, the elements to take into account and how to set it up, also how to pitch my project.  It was a wonderful experience and training.  Thank you”
